Let Us Appeal Your Pasco County Solid Waste Assessment

Let Us Appeal Your Pasco County Solid Waste Assessment

Let Us Appeal Your Pasco County Solid Waste AssessmentLet Us Appeal Your Pasco County Solid Waste AssessmentLet Us Appeal Your Pasco County Solid Waste Assessment

Do you own or manage commercial property in Pasco County, Florida?

If so, this August,  Pasco County will mail you a Notice of Solid Waste Assessment for that property.

At no cost to you, we will research this assessment to determine if it is correct.

We have been performing this service for our clients for over fifteen years.  We have saved our clients thousands and thousands of dollars by reducing their Solid Waste Assessments..

We Research

If our research of your Solid Waste Assessment uncovers errors or overcharges in the assessment, we will compile our research and present it to the Pasco governmental authorities in the form  of an appeal.

We Get Results

As a result of our research, presentation and appeal, the reduction in your Solid Waste Assessment can save you thousands of dollars.

We get paid only if we are successful in reducing your assessment and saving you money.

If our research finds your assessment was incorrect, the assessment reduction we gain for you can save you thousands of dollars.

If our research finds that your assessment was correct,  you pay us nothing, and you gain the knowledge that you are paying the county the correct amount for your assessment.